Passing your Driving Test gives you Freedom!
If you have not yet passed your driving test, then maybe it is time to get going because the independence that you will experience from being able to drive is second to none
Imagine not having to rely on other people to take you somewhere, being able to go to the shop when you want to go, and getting yourself from A to B without having to pay a taxi or wait for a bus. That is the freedom that comes with driving.
For those that are young, driving has also been proven to help you become a more mature adult. That’s because you have gained not only the honor knowing that you have achieved something by passing what is an increasingly difficult test in the US, you have also gained the responsibility of managing your own life.
In fact there are so many advantages to passing your test that it would be impossible to cover all those benefits here, but we can cover some of the most important aspects in order to give you an idea of just how being able to drive can help you.
- Expanding job opportunities
It is true that there are many jobs out there that help you earn a career driving, but for many that is not the main benefit. In fact it is the increased distance and wider reach you have to get to places that had you not passed your test would be too difficult to get to. With a wider reach, when you are looking for a job, you will have more places to apply.
Being able to drive also negates the need to move just because of where your job is located. Sometimes people are in a situation whereby they have limited job options. As a result, they have to take the job they are offered despite the area being inconvenient.
This often results in that person having to move to accommodation in that area or waste time commuting because there are no direct public transport routes.
- A better social life
It is probably an obvious given that if you drive, you can get around to see your friends more. School and university friends as well as work colleges don’t always live in the most convenient places. It usually means that the only times you see them is when you arrange to meet somewhere, or when you see each other for study or work.
- Road trips
There is almost no denying it – road trips are fun in the US. After you have learned to drive and become a confident driver, you will eventually be experienced enough to go on a road trip. There is nothing better than experiencing other areas in the US by getting away from the norm in your own area and seeing how other cities, towns and villages go about their day to day lives.
Even better than this, with the US bordering South America as well as Canada, there is the chance to go and visit another culture!!! Happy journeys…