Colorado Teen Drivers Ed Course |
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Colorado Teen Drivers Ed Course


At we are committed to providing clear and engaging information and coursework so you’ll be ready to handle your written test. Our goal is for you to succeed. Call (877-336-6872) or email ( us at any time with questions or concerns about the course.

Our Colorado course replaces the 30-hour traditional classroom course. We have been licensed and approved by the Colorado Department of Revenue, Division of Motor Vehicles (license #5137). With our course you have the luxury of working at your own pace and on your own time. Go back and review challenging sections 24/7 to ace the course and prepare yourself to ace the DMV test. Gone are the days of worrying about showing up to class on time!

Our unique course uses graphics, video, driving maneuvers, and lessons to increase engagement and hold your interest. There are multiple points of review in each section that are designed to increase retention and strengthen your driving knowledge.

What to Expect

The state of Colorado requires students to spend 30 hours in their course; you will notice timers along the way. There are three major quizzes and one final exam in the course. The state requires students to pass each quiz with a score of 80% or higher to be eligible to move to the next section. After 2 failed attempts students must review the material before attempting the quiz again. Students must pass the final exam with a score of 80% or higher to complete the course. Once you pass the course we will transmit your Completion Statement to the DMV and email you a copy. Be sure to take a printed version of this with you to the DMV when applying for your permit.

How do I begin?

Simply purchase the basic, premium or preferred package, create your account with a memorable password and security questions, and begin your online driver’s ed experience. Remember, the state requires you to spend a minimum of 30 active hours in your course. Once you have completed the course and passed the final exam you will receive an emailed version of your Completion Statement. Take this to the DMV when you take your test to obtain your permit. Once you have your permit you can begin logging hours spent behind the wheel.