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joe.apex's blog


The 4 Best Apps to Help Keep Your Teen Driver Safe

The 4 Best Apps to Help Keep Your Teen Driver Safe

Just about everybody knows you shouldn't use a cell phone use while driving, and it's illegal in 41 states. Still, a survey conducted earlier this year by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration revealed some disturbing results: At any given point on America's roadways, 660,000 drivers are using smartphones or other electronic devices while driving.


Big City vs. Small City

Big City vs. Small City

In a recent Allstate study it has been shown that there are dramatic differences in safe driving between cities in the U.S. Before we point out a few tips for driving in your particular type of area, lets give a hand to the drivers in Fort Collins, Colorado for being the safest driving city according to Allstate's study.


Passing School Bus

Passing School Bus

A recent Washington State test has shown that an alarming number of drivers pass stopped school buses. Now that its "Back to School" time of the year, we urge everyone to use caution around school buses and school grounds.


Back to School

Back to School

Its "Back to School" time. And its been a long, fun summer and most everyone has long forgotten about driving around school grounds and school buses we last saw in the spring. The following video from the video library has some great driving tips for driving around school grounds and when driving near school buses. This video is good for new drivers as well as a refresher for experienced drivers.


Car Buying Tips -Getting The Best Deal

Car Buying Tips -Getting The Best Deal

Buying a car and want a deal? It's not rocket science, you just need to follow a few simple principles. These tips will guide you towards the best possible deal on any car no matter what its sticker says, saving hundreds and possibly thousands of dollars over the life of the vehicle.


Drive Test Failure - Yielding

Drive Test Failure - Yielding

One of the more common reasons for failing the drive test is due to improperly yielding in traffic. The following video from the video library discusses proper yielding which can help drivers avoid one of the major reasons for failing the drive test.


5 Things to Think About Before Renting a Car

5 Things to Think About Before Renting a Car

Renting a car seems pretty self-explanatory at the beginning, right? Once you start the process, however, you discover a number of things you need to think about, including questions of insurance, size, fees, and price. Rather than getting caught unawares, do your research beforehand so you can get the right car at the best price.

Always Comparison Shop


Cars for rookie drivers

Cars for rookie drivers

Choosing a new car for your teenager need not be a nerve-wracking experience. The key is to ignore sales pitches and focus on the features a vehicle for a new driver should have. Forget horsepower and speed, no matter how much your son or daughter craves a sports car. Think practicality instead. These are the criteria you should keep in mind:


Car Insurance Information

Car Insurance Information

Car insurance is complex and the requirements vary from state to state. However, if you are involved in an incident you will be glad you have the proper coverage. And in most states there are minimum car insurance requirements. has created a collection of information about dealing with car insurance to help drivers navigate through the complexity of car insurance.


Tire Safety Week

Tire Safety Week

This past week was National Tire Safety Week and I'll bet most people were totally unaware. I'll also bet that most people pay no attention to their tires, which is unfortunate as they are one of the most important safety devices on a car. Most drivers only notice when their tires are obviously flat, but there is much more to tire safety.