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Driving Blog Article Collection

Saturday, December 22, 2012 - 08:15
-- joe.apex Categories: General

Santa Claus is known as one of the best sleigh drivers in the world. After all, he's been doing this for many years and I don't ever remember him being involved in a collision. That's a fantastic driving record. I'm sure that he learned to drive his sleigh long before...

Saturday, December 15, 2012 - 07:15
-- joe.apex Categories: Automobiles, Technology

Its been a long time coming, but Tesla Motors is finally delivering the Model S, an electric car that can be used as a practical daily driver. And while they were at it, they moved the human interface into the 21st century as well. I've had the opportunity to drive a Model S around town over...

Saturday, December 8, 2012 - 08:00
-- joe.apex Categories: General, Safety, Technology

In the last decade, red light cameras in the United States have popped-up in many cities. And they have also entered the spot light as one of the more controversial traffic enforcement methods. The current raging debate involves both the efficacy of these devices as well as the legality of...

Saturday, December 1, 2012 - 09:30
-- joe.apex Categories: General, Technology

Today we launched an updated web site. To say it is an update is an understatement as we have added new content, made the site much easier to navigate, and added our online drivers...

Saturday, November 24, 2012 - 09:15
-- joe.apex Categories: General, Safety

Somtimes you have to wonder "What were they thinking" when you see a truly stupid move made by a driver. Here is the case of a driver who has made the move of passing a school bus using the sidewalk (yes, the sidewalk) a part of her daily routine. She was finally captured on video by the school...